
Coat of Arms of the 9th Infantry Regiment

The Regimental Coat of Arms is commemorative of the varied exploits of the Regiment and vividly illustrates many of its campaigns. The foundation for the symbol is a blue shield, with the emphasis on distinguishing the unit branch of Infantry. Service in China during the Boxer Rebellion is symbolized in the golden dragon inserted on the upper left of the shield. In the upper right sector is implanted the Sun in Splendor, a device used by the Filipino Insurrectos, which serves as a reminder of service in the Philippines. The light shaded bar curved toward the upper portion of the shield stands as a mute memorial of the battle on the bend of the San Juan River, or the "Bloody Angle." The active years on the Western Frontier, during the Indian Wars, are characterized in the "Teepee," centered in the lower half of the shield. The Indianhead patch placed above the body of the shield designates the assignment of the Manchu Regiment to the Second Infantry Division in October 1917, while the Fourragere, in the colors of the ribbon of the French Croix de Guerre, encircling the lndianhead is a memorial to the valiant exploits of World War 1. Beneath the shield is a scroll on which is engraved a living motto and challenge to the members of the Manchu Regiment to "Keep Up The Fire."