The Return Trip 2000

Over the course of several months in 1999, a group of online Manchus began talking about making a return trip to Vietnam. The plan, if you can call it that, was to see the country under different circumstances than the way we saw it more than 30 years ago. By the end of the year the talk started taking shape and what began as smoke took form. With the guidance and encouragement of Willy our trailblazing Manchu who had already made three postwar trips to Vietnam, we are now underway on our tour. For those Manchus who haven't been able to make it, we hope you'll enjoy our accounts and photos of the journey. Thanks for joining us.
L to R "Willy" Bob Dixson Alpha 66 Rick Everett Delta 67-68 Larry James Delta 68-69 Larry Ward Charlie 67-68 Terry Thompson Alpha 69-70 |