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Looking across the lake in early October to the Manchu 4/9th barracks in Fairbanks, Alaska.
B Company barracks in Cuchi. Note the trench in the foreground used in the event of mortar attack.
"Stinger one two this is Manchu 65. Go ahead, over."
(Helicopter gunship company and 4/9th Headquarters Company call signs) That's me on the air in the Ben Luc TOC.
Schofield Barracks Hawaii Early 1966
Quad D
Those of you from B Company should recognize the hooch where we sold
beer and sodas. That is Christopher Nooney taking his drinks back to his area.
In the town of Ben Luc, I saw these of-age, male detainees being
marched in to the compound for interrogation by the CIA and G2.
Hard to say what we learned, if anything.