Memorial Service

More than 100 people gathered as the names of the 367 casualties were read on the grassy hill next to The Wall. Thirteen volunteers read the names of the Manchu dead, then the color guard led a small contingent down to The Wall where a wreath was placed as a lone bagpiper piped Amazing Grace. Manchu Chaplain Danny Spencer offered a prayer, taps was sounded and then all joined in to sing Auld Lang Syne. Then, in small groups we made our way to The Wall for private contemplation at this very powerful monument. It was a fitting tribute to our friends and comrades who gave all they had to give in the service of their country.
Craig Greaves
Welcome and opening Remarks
(Real Audio - click link to download)
Presentation of the Colors
"The Old Guard"
(Real Video - click link to download)
Prayer for 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Memorial Service at the Viet Nam War Memorial, 26 August 2000
Chaplain Robinson read Psalm 90, a psalm of Moses.
Almighty God, in gathering together to pay tribute to our fallen comrades in the 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry, we still wrestle with minds that are bewildered and hearts that grieve. These soldiers were called upon to pay the supreme sacrifice. Why it had to be them or why it had to be under these circumstances is known only to You. We rest those questions in Your hands of providential care and mercy.
We are eternally grateful for the hope of the Resurrection and the promise of eternal life. May that hope be a continual comfort to the families and friends who still grieve. Even now, after all these years, there is still anger, fear, despair, doubts, lonliness and hopelessness. Reliving the memories still brings renewed sadness and pain. Some hurts heal ever so slowly. Some broken hearts never seem to end.
Lord, You have promised to wipe away all tears from our eyes. You have promised to bind up our wounded spirits. You have promised to be with us always. Even now we claim these promises.
Remind us Lord, that soldiers who die in service to this great nation do not fade away. Rather we honor them, we remember them, and we continue to receive inspiration from them. May all who gather here today once again hear the call to nobler living and get on with the task of building a world of lasting justice and peace. May we all become instruments of justice and peace. As soldiers and members of a grateful nation, may we dedicate our lives to continued service as a tribute to our fallen comrades.
For those of us who yet live, we are forced now to reflect upon the uncertainty of life. We thus commit our lives to redeeming every waking moment, to bring peace and happiness to our homes and families, our nation, and our world. Help us all to be ministers of mercy, defenders of freedom, and ambassadors of righteousness so that these soldiers and others like them will have not died in vain. In your name we pray,
At the Viet Nam Memorial wall, Chaplain Robinson prayed the following. God, Almighty, we lay this wreath today as a memorial to our fallen comrades in the 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry, Manchus. May they rest in the satisfaction that they gave their all and made this world a better place to live. May they rest in peace because their work on earth is done. May we who remain honor their lives in the way we live our own.

For more pictures of the 4/9 Memorial Service please visit our Reunion 2000 Page.