If you were a member of the 9th Infantry go to the Manchu Registration page to be added to the Online list.
Manchus from Vietnam
Manchus from Korea to Present Day
Bravo Company
Ackerman, Steve | [68/69] | Picture | |
Adams, Stan | [68/69] | Picture | |
Alonzo, Dave | [67/68] | Picture | |
Anderson, Donald M. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Arrington, Bobbie L. | [67/68] | Picture | |
Arrington, Mickey | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Audette, Lionel (Lee) | [69/70] | Picture | |
Baker, Al | [67/68] | Picture | |
Baker, Mike | [69/70] | Picture | |
Balderson, Don | [1968] | Picture | |
Barbour, Carl | [67/68] | Picture | |
Barcinas, Fred "Pineapple" | [67/68] | Picture | |
Barnes, Bill | [68/69] | Picture | |
Bassham, Sonny | [62/65] | Picture | |
Bauer, Peter "Butch" | [68/69] | Picture | |
Bennett, Jim | [1967] | Picture | |
Berry, George | [69/70] | Picture | |
Blair, Frank J. | [66/68] | Picture | |
Bland, Jim | [68/69] | Picture | |
Bly, Larry | [68/69] | Picture | |
Boatwright, David R. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Bohager, Buddy | [69/70] | Picture | |
Bohochik, Gary W. | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Bolinger, William L. "Bill" | [1966] | Picture | |
Bolstad, Keith | [1967] | Picture | |
Bowen, Ted | [68/69] | Picture | |
Bowman, CW | [1967] | Picture | |
Bradley, Don | [68/69] | Picture | |
Bridges, Henry L. | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Brocious, Al | [1970] | Picture | |
Bumpus, Steve | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Butler, Alton S. | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Byers, Ernie | [68/69] | Picture | |
Cabral, Ronald J. Sr. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Calhoun, Dale E. | [66/67] | Picture | |
Campbell, Ronald L. | [70/71] | Picture | |
Caroon, Ron | [69/70] | Picture | |
Carter, Clarence L. (Clance) | [67/68] | Picture | |
Cathcart, Clinzo "CC" | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Castillo, Sergio S. | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Cavin, Darrel | [68/69] | Picture | |
Chavez, Gilbert J. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Chavez, Jesus | [67/68] | Picture | |
Chavous, Robert B. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Chmiel, Walter J. | [69/70] | No email | Picture |
Clark, Roy J."Doc" | [66/67] | Picture | |
Colf, David C. | [66/67] | Picture | |
Collar, Clilfton J. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Collins, Eddie | [1970] | Picture | |
Colman, Sam | [68/69] | Picture | |
Colon, Hector, E. | [67/68] | Picture | |
Coniglio, Michael R. | [69/70] | No email | Picture |
Copeland, Freddie B. | [1969] | Picture | |
Corlito, Joseph | [1969] | Picture | |
Cormack, James | [68/69] | Picture | |
Craig, Jerry Calvin | [1970] | Picture | |
Creaves, Craig | [1968] | Picture | |
Creten, Don | [66/67] | Picture | |
Curley, Tom | [66/67] | Picture | |
Darby, Charles L. (Chuck) | [69/70] | Picture | |
Dawson, Marshall | [1968] | Picture | |
DeJong, Larry | [69/70] | Picture | |
De Losa, Thomas G. | [67/68] | Picture | |
Desmond, Frank | [66/67] | Picture | |
Devlin, Denny | [1969] | Picture | |
Dexter, Todd | [67/68] | Picture | |
Dias, George H. Jr. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Dossett, Jeff | [67/68] | Picture | |
Duffey, Ted | [67/68] | Picture | |
Dunbar, Doug | [70/71] | Picture | |
D'Orlando, Leonard A. | [1968] | Picture | |
Earley,Gary (Joe) | [68/69] | E mail | Picture |
Edwards, Dan | [1968] | Picture | |
Elliott, Milford W. III | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Erby, Harold "ER" | [1969] | E mail | Picture |
Eshleman, Laurence E. (Larry) | [68/69] | E mail | Picture |
Evans, Melvel Stuart IV | [1970] | E mail | Picture |
Everett,Bill | [66/67] | E mail | Picture |
Ferrel, Douglas | [68/69] | Picture | |
Figueroa, Ronald S. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Fiore, Tom | [68/69] | Picture | |
Floyd, Gary | [69/70] | Picture | |
Folmnsee, Curtis | [68/69] | Picture | |
Foster, David L. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Freeman, Carl E. "Luke" | [69/70] | Picture | |
French, Peter C. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Garner, Robert (Bob) | [67/68] | Picture | |
Garrett, John | [65/67] | Picture | |
Gaston, Wilbert "Tex" | [69/70] | No email | Picture |
Gauthier, Moe | [1970] | Picture | |
Geranios, George | [69/70] | Picture | |
Gill, Terry | [69/70] | Picture | |
Giroux, Steve | [68/69] | Picture | |
Glass, Denny | [68/70] | Picture | |
Gonzalez, Antonio J. "Tony" | [68/69] | Picture | |
Goodman, William (Bill) | [1966] | Picture | |
Graham, Otto | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Graves, Larry D. | [1968] | Picture | |
Greaves, Craig E. (LTC) | [67/68] | Picture | |
Green, Tommy | [69/70] | No email | Picture |
Guagno, Joseph | [66/67] | Picture | |
Gunn, Henry | [69/70] | Picture | |
Gutierrez, Rudy "Doc" | [68/69] | Picture | |
Hall, John D | [67/68] | Picture | |
Hall, Roger | [69/70] | No email | Picture |
Hamilton, Robert H. | [65/68] | Picture | |
Harmon, Elmon "Slim" | [69/70] | Picture | |
Harris, Benjamin | [1969] | Picture | |
Hatch, Ted | [69/70] | Picture | |
Haugen, Burton | [67/68] | Picture | |
Hellinger, Charles | [1968] | Picture | |
Hellman, Mike (Doc) | [68/69] | Picture | |
Hendrix, Edgar M. | [1966] | Picture | |
Hetherington, Jim | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Hoffer, Henry | [68/69] | Picture | |
Hollomon, Lofton | [68/69] | Picture | |
Hood, James Ernest (Jim) | [69/70] | Picture | |
Hopkins, Richard "Hoppy" | [69/70] | Picture | |
Horner, Cleve | [69/70] | Picture | |
House, Dan | [69/70] | Picture | |
Horssen, Bill Van | [66/67] | Picture | |
Howell, Bill | [1970] | Picture | |
Huettig, Edwin J. | [65/67] | Picture | |
Jobman, Darrell | [67/68] | Picture | |
Johns, Jerry | [68/69] | Picture | |
Johnson, Gary | [67/68] | Picture | |
Johnson, Jim | [67/68] | Picture | |
Johnson, Lynn B. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Justice, Alva | [67/68] | Picture | |
Kelly, Thomas S. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Ketchum, Jerry | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Ketterman, Keith | [68/69] | Picture | |
King, Ken | [67/68] | Picture | |
Kirchberg, Harold | [68/69] | Picture | |
Knowlton, Steve | [69/70] | Picture | |
Knuth, Brad | [68/69] | Picture | |
Kramer, Bruce J. | [69/70] | Picture | |
La Freniere, Roger | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Lambert, Stan | [1970] | Picture | |
La Nier, Jim | [66/67] | No email | Picture |
Leake, Victor | [69/71] | Picture | |
Lescynski, George | [1968] | Picture | |
Lewman, Thomas | [66/67] | Picture | |
Lupo, Robert E. "Doc"![]() |
[67/68] | Picture | |
Lyle, Donald R. | [65/67] | Picture | |
Maddox, Tom | [68/69] | Picture | |
Mahan, Phil B. | [67/68] | Picture | |
Mann, Johnnie L. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Manning, Howard Jr. | [65/67] | Picture | |
Maultsby, Thomas F. | [66/67] | Picture | |
Marshall, James W. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Mattson, Robert L. | [66/67] | Picture | |
McCarter, Lewis D. | [66/67] | Picture | |
McClellan, Wayne | [68/69] | Picture | |
McDonald, Leuty Dean, Jr. (PFC) | [1967] | Picture | |
Melton, Wade | [68/69] | Picture | |
Mellon, Arthur "Art" | [68/69] | Picture | |
Miller, Jerry "Doc" | [67/68] | Picture | |
Miller, John K. | [1970] | Picture | |
Mitchell, Larry | [67/68] | Picture | |
Mitchell, Otis "Marvin" | [69/70] | Picture | |
Monroe, John | [69/70] | Picture | |
Moore, Rodger | [67/68] | No email | Picture |
Moreno, Herbert | [1970] | Picture | |
Mulligan, James T. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Murdoch, Jack | [68/69] | Picture | |
Murphy, Charles J. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Murphy, Tom | [69/70] | Picture | |
Mussells, Jim | [66/67] | Picture | |
Nail, Quinton | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Nesbit, Herman L. | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Norton, Robert L. "Bob" | [68/69] | Picture | |
O'Donnell, Edward Murray | [67/68] | Picture | |
Oppenheim, Charles R. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Pagan, Luis A. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Paparelli, George | [68/69] | Picture | |
Pardue, Tom | [69/70] | Picture | |
Petersen "Doc" Karl![]() |
[1968] | Picture | |
Petrunich, Thomas | [69/70] | No email | Picture |
Pittman, Wade Z. | [67/68] | Picture | |
Pike, Bill | [1965] | Picture | |
Polsley, Ron | [1967] | Picture | |
Poole, James D. | [69/70] | No email | Picture |
Porter, Tom | [67/68] | Picture | |
Powles, Jerry "Chester" | [69/70] | Picture | |
Proctor, Michael S. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Rahn, Ben | [68/69] | Picture | |
Receveur, Donald W. Jr. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Reichel, Brad | [69/70] | Picture | |
Reiss, Martin B. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Richins, Robert | [68/69] | Picture | |
Ridgeway, Albert "Buck" | [67/68] | Picture | |
Rios, Doroteo H. | [1967] | Picture | |
Roberts, Bob "Doc" | [1968] | Picture | |
Robinson, Clarence | [68/69] | Picture | |
Robinson, Jim | [68/69] | Picture | |
Robinson, Kenneth A. | [67/68] | Picture | |
Roche, John | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Ruggles, David L. | [67/68] | Picture | |
Ruiz, Jose' V. | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Ruth, John | [1969] | Picture | |
Salazar, Joseph E. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Salvadalena, Doug | [69/70] | No email | Picture |
Sapik, Jerome "Jerry" | [68/69] | Picture | |
Satterwhite, Coleman T. | [66/67] | Picture | |
Sauer, Frank | [1968] | Picture | |
Saulters, Dale "Tupelo" | [68/69] | Picture | |
Scarcelli, Ronald J. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Schreiner, Kent A. "Doc" | [68/69] | Picture | |
Schumacher, Jan | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Schwartz, Gary | [1968] | Picture | |
Seymour, John E. | [1968] | Picture | |
Shaeffer, Kenneth | [70/71] | Picture | |
Shortt, Mervin D. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Shugart, Kenneth | [68/69] | Picture | |
Simpson, Richard | [68/69] | Picture | |
Sitarski, Ronald J. | [1968] | Picture | |
Slaughter, Mark "Sgt.Rock" | [1970] | Picture | |
Sledd, Gary | [69/70] | Picture | |
Smith, Charles R. Jr. | [1970] | Picture | |
Smith, Thomas W. | [67/68] | Picture | |
Smith, Watty N. | [67/68] | Picture | |
Smithee, Glen | [67/68] | Picture | |
Spencer, Ed | [1968] | Picture | |
Stansberry Dan | [67/68] | Picture | |
Steiger, James D. Jr. | [1967] | Picture | |
Stephan, John | [69/70] | Picture | |
Stephen, Charles (Chuck) | [1967] | Picture | |
Stewart, Larry D | [67/68] | Picture | |
Stockman, Michael | [67/68] | Picture | |
Straub, Joe | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Sulwer, Louie | [69/70] | Picture | |
Sutcliffe Monty R. | [1970] | Picture | |
Switanowski, Matt | [1969] | Picture | |
Talbot, Gordon L. "Lyle" | [68/69] | Picture | |
Tao, Roger M. | [67/68] | No email | Picture |
Todd, George J. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Tong, John J | [1970] | Picture | |
Torre, Joe | [68/69] | Picture | |
Tortorella, Charlie | [69/70] | Picture | |
Touchette, Harold M. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Towers, Frank W. Jr. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Tyson, James Arlie | [68/69] | Picture | |
Uniatowski, Ed | [1970] | Picture | |
Van Sise, Ron | [69/70] | Picture | |
Veenstra, Yves C. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Wagner, Dennis C. | [67/68] | Picture | |
Walla, Paul | [69/70] | Picture | |
Wallace, Larry | [68/69] | Picture | |
Waller, Jerry "Abner" | [68/69] | Picture | |
Warren, Henry (Hank) | [64/67] | Picture | |
Warriner, Rufus Jr. | [68/69] | Picture | |
Wasson, Danny | [1969] | Picture | |
Wells, Ronald | [68/69] | Picture | |
Westmoreland, Steve | [69/70] | Picture | |
Whitworth,Warren L. | [69/70] | Picture | |
Wiedeman, Dave | [1969] | Picture | |
Williams, Dale Edward | [69/70] | Picture | |
Williams, Jack | [66/67] | Picture | |
Williams, John | [68/69] | Picture | |
Windhorst, Gerald | [68/69] | No email | Picture |
Wofford, Montie W. | [65/66] | Picture | |
Wolfley, Bob | [67/68] | Picture | |
Zicolella, Tony | [68/69] | Picture |