2021 Reunion
We were unable to have an official reunion in 2020 due to the pandemic, so it was great to come together in Bloomington, MN. Attendance was somewhat lighter, but the fellowship was as good as ever. For the first time, tours were not available because of the lower numbers, but I firmly believe we were able to spend more time with each other, as well as being able to take in local sites or activities on our own.
This year’s golf tournament was also smaller with just 7 players. Only 1 stroke separated the two groups, but Matt Switanaowski, Ray Pulliam, Bob Lannon, and Dan McKinney prevailed!
President Larry James was unable to attend this year (the only reunion he has missed) and the disappointment was noted by everyone. We also had no photographer, so we took our own photos.
V.P. Alen Fyfe conducted the annual business meeting, and the following are some of the highlights.
Treasure Dan McKinney reported a sum of $20,714.75 in our bank account.
V.P. Alen Fyfe announced that he and Larry James would not be running for re-election. As a result, Dan McKinney has agreed to become President.
George Leach agreed to become Vice President, and Bob Lannon would be secretary and treasure. The vote was approved.
The 2022 reunion will be at the Wyndham Garden Oklahoma City Airport in Oklahoma, OK.
Dan and Bob then discussed how Bob had checked with several other units and discovered virtually all were using Convention and Visitors’ Bureau’s to organize and manage their reunions to save money and to avoid any penalties if certain contractual matters were not met. So after 2022 in Oklahoma City, AFR will no longer be necessary. We feel strongly that we can keep individual costs down and we don’t mind going through the extra time and steps.
The 3 sites for 2023 were for Jacksonville, FL, Tucson, AZ, and Branson, MO. We strongly recommended Branson, because we had a mini reunion there in 2020 with 21 couples from 5 states. Everyone enjoyed it! We also indicated it was the best suited location for our first attempt at controlling our own reunion without outside help. Branson would be easy for us to visit and arrange things face to face. Tours would not be necessary with so many things to do and close by. In the end, the vote was nearly unanimous for Branson in 2023.
The annual banquet was handled very well by the Bloomington DoubleTree staff and possibly was one of the best ever meals. Once again, Alen did a wonderful job of getting the highest bids from our auction. $3900.00 was ultimately taken in. MANY THANKS to ALL for your GENEROSITY!!
Looking forward to Oklahoma City!
Keep up the fire!
Dan McKinney
President 4/9 Infantry Manchu (Vietnam) Association