E Mail
I served in vietnam in 1970 with a squadron of naval ec-121"s (coneys). The navy will not confirm this . Anyone remember this Patuxent River, squadron being there?
E Mail
I'll try to keep this short. My name is Craig Townsend, I was born in 1965. I'm writing from the New England region of Northern New South Wales Australia. My step-father served in D Coy 6 Royal Australian Regiment in 1966(Australian Task Force 1 Base-Nui Dat). Thus my interest. I've tried to read and watch everything I could lay my hands on relating to Vietnam, only recently starting to browse the net for related sites, which is how I came by yours. Which leads me to my question: would you be aware, or would you know where I might find out, if there was a US Brigade of Engineers(18th?) operating in or around Cu Chi in 64-65?
Thankyou for your time..
Regards Craig Townsend
E Mail
My Brother Steve Walker was in the 93rd Combat Engineers attached to the 9th Infantry. He's looking for anyone He might have served with around 1970-71. He said the area is (I'm not sure of the spelling!) Dong tan or Dong san. Please let Me know if Anyone can help!
Roger Walker
E Mail
I was assigned to hhc, and processed top secret messages from macv. also processed new men in-country to their assignments. I am looking for anyone assigned to the hhc and message center during march 68 to march 69. thanks
I was with the 2/32 artillery 8in 175 sp at tayninh and moved to cuchi oct 66 to nov 67
Eddie V. Thomas
I was with the 385th combat engineers and the 299th 1971 thru 72.Im looking for buddies who were there at the same time. My nickname was Little Tom or One Little Tom. Some of the guys I remembers are Nappier,cpt. Seymoor or Seamour or something to that effect, Sgt. Green, Bucky Jo Emmery or Emerey, Rabbit, and Murphy.
Dave Cox
I was with the 2/32 Arty, II FF (8" and 175 SP) in All of Tay Ninh Province and Prek Lok, Cambodia. I was wounded at the base of Nui Ba Dien on 20 Sep 1968. We worked a lot with the 2/22 Mech. I'm Looking for anyone from the 32nd. We also had a battery in Cu Chi and at FB St. Barbara. Some of the crew were SP5 Joe Foggin, SP4 James Hines, CPT Darrow, and a load of other 3 card gut players. I'm from Glen Burnie, Maryland, but now I live in Corpus Christi, Texas
E Mail
I was with A co 158th Avn Bn 101st Airborne Div 1970. Trying to find other Ghost Riders, or any information on this unit. We flew northern I corp and CCNs. Any help you could send my way will be greatfully accepted.
E Mail
Anyone serving in Quang Tri Prov. during 1969-1970 I need any type of combat information you can provide, i.e., battles, casualties, ect. I would like to hear from you to discuss other matters involving this area of Viet Nam, especially during this period of time. Anyone serving with the 77th Armor, 1st Bde, 5th Inf Div would be very helpful. Records have been destroyed a the National Personnel Records Center involving Viet Nam Veterans who cannot receive their VA Benefits without reconstructing certain events which transpired. My Nephews name is Joseph Atkinson.
E Mail
Specialist Jean C Seabolt (Ret). I was suprised to find a webpage on 9th Infantry. How are you in Washington State, do you remember me? Seabolt the RTO for Lt. Eric Layne. in Ft. Ord Ca. Please E-mail me at my adress , I'm intrested on how things went on without me in 2nd platoon A. co. 3/9.
Sarah Poillon
My dad, Peter Poillon Jr., was in Nam in 1969 with the SeaBees at LZ Nancy 6 miles south of Quang Tri. He was involved in an 'accident' (we aren't getting consistent info on exactly what happened) on Aug. 7th involving a bunker fire and 1 to 3 water trucks, that wounded at least 6 and killed Milford Marvin Tognazzini. We are especially looking for EO2 John T. Brown, EO2 Roy Adams, and EO3 General L. Fitzsimmons. If anyone knows anything about it please e-mail us at: peter@got.net Thanks for your help.
Joe Kalm
I was stationed with HHB 2bn 4th arty in Tan An during the years 1967-68-69 June 67 Oct 67 and Oct 67 to June 68 with B btry 2bn 4th arty would like to hear from any one that was station over there then
Richard (Zavatsky) King
I would be interested in anything that you can hind out about the 554th engineering battalion..... I served in Cu Chi from approx may of 1967 to Feb 1968 with C company 554th engineers... We built the lagrest hanger in Nam on the base at Cu Chi..... I was there thru Tet.. and was discharged from Oakland on Feb 14, 68 Any information that you come across regarding in formation on this Battalion I would greatly appreciate that you pass it along....
E Mail
I am searching for info concerning my uncle, who was killed on Nov. 1967 in 'Nam. his name was SSgt. James E. Haynes, from Vincennes, IN. He was in the Twenty-fifth Inf. I would appreciate any help, as I know nothing of him. He died before I was born. Chris Haynes
E Mail
I am trying to locate individuals or information regarding my tour in Vietnam from 9/68 to 3/69. I was stationed at pump station 10, Hwy 19, Plieku. I was in 79th QM Plt 647 QM Company. I have been surfing the web for anybody or anything regarding the pipeline. Anyone having info, please e-mail it would be greatly appreciated. I was medivacted out and lost contact.
Ron Watkins
I was in VietNam in 1971- 1972 statined in Cahn Rahn Bay with the 611th Ord. CO. I miss the guys that I made friends with. SP/ 4 David Meister from Spokane, WA. SP/ 5 Charles Renolds IL. Renolds and I were stationed in Fort Riley, KS in 72-73 and SP/ 5 Jay Jones Opelika, AL. If anyone knows them or how I can contact them Please Email me or write Ron Watkins
168 Robinson RD
Columbus, MS. 39701
OR Email at:
Joe Inman
My name is Joe Inman my dad was in the 25th division in 1966 he served 2 tours there and i was looking for some of his old buddies from there.I was named after one of them that saved his life. I know this may sound strange , but i was wondering if possably you knew him his rankI dont know he says he was up and down so much he didnt evean know what he was when he left. His name is Dean(actually Harold) he was also called Indian. He was with some guys nick named Mop and a guy named Joseph T Brown( That is who i am named after) . His Sgt. was Sgt. Sutton i think. If any of this rings a bell please contact me. I would like to thank you for your time . God bless
Clayton R. Bryant
Served with A.Co. 2nd/14th Golden Dragons-03/68 to 08/68. I would like to hear from any member of the First Platoon.
Jim Fielder
I have been looking for friends I served with in the 25th Inf. Div. 3rd of 13th artillery that served from March of 1968 to March of 1969 in Cu Chi. Dave Calvert from Oregon and Richard Tusaunt of New York.
E Mail
I served with the 2nd 12th of the 25th. Do you know of any links that have this unit? This is my homepage with a few pictures of the guys in 1969 Thanks Bill
E Mail
I would like to find friend's from my Chu Chi vacation. Welcome Home to all my brother vet's. We did everything they would let us do!
E-5 John Sheehan
E Mail
Was stationed in the Nam (69-70) 1/22nd 4th Inf Div Lz Mary Lou Kontum and LZ Lonly Plieku Did recon and security for the convoys am looking for the (Iceman) one other crazy mudsucker named Mike Foster I think he was from Va or W V.A. I think about these guys a lot about all the times they kept me drunk when we were in the rear would really like to hear from them after all these years! But still hav'nt been able to make peace with myself probly will when I'm planted
Don Dickens
I'm looking for any one who was in Vietnam with the 1st Div, 2bn, 16th Inf. Co. A, 1965/1966.
E Mail
Danny Stutler pfc.USMC was KIA 7-4-66 in Quang Nam province south of Da Nang, he had a buddy Phil Vilone Jr. who was KIA as well about amonth earlier. Does anybody out there remember these 2 West Virginia boys ??? I served on the USS Bausell DD845 during the evacuation of Saigon and the Mayaguez incedent. Hope to hear from any one with any info. on aforementioned.
Americo Cantarella
Website: AmeriBanque Limited, Inc.
USAF 1960 - 1964 - Loring - SAC
E Mail
Looking for Delta Co. Manchus-8/69to8/70. I was the 3rd Platoon Leader and also Lancer Rifles Platoon Leader. Any Pilots or Crew that might have flown us-so I can say thanks.
James L. Fogarty
E Mail
I'm looking for Debbie Robinson, sister of PFC Larry M Robinson. Larry died in Vietnam in 1968.
Donald Mount
E Mail
I am in desperate need to find anyone who might know of the events that occurred in Plieku between 1966 and 1967. I am a volunteer trying to get a Vet service connected, and get the benefits he deserves. Wenceslao Galvan is the gentleman's name. His memory is very bad in regards to the events during the war. Here is what he can put together. He remembers an ammo dump being blown up near Bong Lon. He was in the 625 Q.M. Co. There was a battle that resulted in him (a laundry specialist) being put on morgue duty..... the 1st and 12th units were all killed in an attack near Pleiku. I wish I could give you more but any help will go a long way for us. If you know anyone else there at that time that would help too. Thank You Very for your time Kevin Allen----- KwrayA@aol.com
E Mail
Served from 1968 to 69 at 3rd field hospital,218th would like to hear from anybody who might have been there.
Sam Shepherd
I'm aiding my dad in his search for old Vietnam friends and would appreciate any leads that you have. My dad's name is Sam Shepherd, he was in the 9th infantry, 3rd of 47th, company C, from July 67 to July 68.
Thank you,
Shannon Shepherd
Richard (Zavatsky) King
I'm looking for anyone that served in C company 554th engr bat in Cu Chi. Heres 3 GI's that I'm currently looking for: William Pabst (like the beer) From Milwaukee WI Fred Hanks Bellingham Washington. Bob Spillar Scranton Pa. God speed to you ........
E Mail
my father-in-law is lookin for a friend from nam his name is David Kloss. 455 signal detachment 69th signal battalin and served 1967 to 1969.
E Mail
I need verification from anyone that was in the 169th Engr. Co.A 20th Engr.Battalion 2oth Engr. Brgade, I really need two people to verify that a civilian truck. Please help me because i've had seisure since 1973 from that accident. You can write me, Delmont J. Wyman , RR1 BOX 3792 Pittsfield,Me. 04967 or you can write my rep at VAMROC Mr. Gary P. Burns P.O. Box 3151 D.A.V. Togus Me. 04330 Thanks for any help you may be able to give me.
E Mail
I am looking for anyone that was in HHC 34TH S&S BN DA-NANG FROM 7/70 to 7/71
Bill "Rat" Rathge Desher,OH
A shirt my dad gave me said that he was in: "Group 21" "Leading the way Home" can anyone help me with finding out more about this unit..Dads Information
Benjamin Michael Tyson
Group 21
Home of record Anson County, NC
E Mail
Looing for anyone that served in Vietnam Phuoc Vinh - 1967-68 , 1/26th inf. (recon)
Jimmy Jones
from Georgia. I served in Vietnam with the 1/27 Wolfhounds from Jan 69 to Jan 70. We were in Dau-Tieng until June 69 and then we moved to Cu-Chi. i was there until my tour ended in Jan 70.
E Mail
Am vietnam vet was river patrol on perfume river want desperatly to have pictures of army mike boats we used and also pictures of the river we were on have none long story can you help . THANKS FOR BEING THERE Ron 1969 through71 and then civilian until 73
Ben Hale
Communication Section
HQ Company
92nd Eng Bn
Viet Nam 68-69
In 1968 I enlisted in Monroe La, went in on the buddy plan with a man whos' name, for the life of me I can't remember. We took Basic Training in Tiger Land (Fort Polk) then decided to go airborne so off to Benning we went, one of us, I can't remember who, decided to quit airborne traning, so both of us got set to that Animal Farm, then had orders cut for the Nam. Had 1 night with a couple of ladies of the evening and the next thing we are sitting on the bird singing Mr. Guthers song something rag about next stop Vietnam. Lively crowd until they kept us circling until the sun came up and the blips of light on the tarmac were gone. After in-country indocturnation we were sent to Plekui to be part of the 4th. Don't know how but in about a week or so they found out I was only 16 and I got a bird out of Nam to Korea to finish out my tour. Never have been the same since. Now after 31 years, broken marrages, 100+ jobs, I decided to try and find out what might have happened to him. It is a long shot I know but I have to try. You see there is NO record of me being in the military AT ALL much less Nam and Korea. I could go into the details but before my dad (who signed for me to get into the services) dies I would like to find anybody to help in endevor of mine. Thanks for the space to ask this no matter what,
James Claeys
I was with 4th Inf Div (6/29th Arty & 3/8th Inf) in 1969-70 around Pleiku-An Khe & surrounding bush. Anybody out there I know? Also looking for Central Highlands videos, have same to trade. Thanks.....
David Bigard
i want to contact anyone from my unit in vietnam, 2/34th armour c-company tank # 66. we were assigned under the 4th infantry.my tank commanders name is james bowles,gunners name sp4 houser, driver sp4 kannono, i was the loader. i need to contact them to substansiate my claim for a hearing disability due to a perforated ear drum due to a mine we ran over on about feb 1967.I was in the unit from jan 1967 to may 1967 at which time i was medivaced out due to an eye wound serious enough to warrant surgery and reassinment in the US. The unit was mostly from the Los Angeles CA area and i was a replacement in the unit as i replaced the sp4 who was wounded on the Commmanding Officiers tank. James bowles was last in contactr with me on about 1980, when he was a sergeant major at Ft Knox and nearing retirement. He was a staff seargfeant in vietnam. I have not been in contact with anyone else but would like to visit with any of the members of my unit. My name is David Bigard, 137 Sundwn dr, Independence Mo. 64054, phone 816 833 0268. I do recall another replacement who went to C Co n2/34 ARMOUR named Ratliff or Ratcliff from Missouri. Any help you can provide in my search will be greatly apppreciated. Also I plan to go to Vietnam in 1999 possibly in Jan or feb and anyone who wannts to join me would be nice to have the company.I was a private in vietnam but since have went on to retire from the Army reserve as a captain and am planing to use my militay hops and spend several month travelin and would like to hook up with someone else to go with me.
Brian OKeef
Served as a medic with A Troop 3/4 Cav, 25th Infantry Division, Nov. 68 - Sep 69. Later, flew Dustoff with the 237th Med. Det. in II Corps, 71-72. Looking for another medic, Hitchcock, who was with C Troop 3/4 Cav.
Jamie Swidecki
Ist /12 D Co Ist Cav Division 1967 1968 Like to hear form anyone including Rice Daddy Paddy and T Gonzales and Sgt Redding
Mel Libby
I served in NAM from Sept67 to Nov 68 at the 24th Evac Hosp as a medic Any one that was stationed drop me a MAIL. Also anyone that was patched up by us especially eager to hear from you, just to ease a feeling I've had for 30 some years.
E Mail
I am trying to find information about Btry C 4th BN 734 Arty for my friend, his father was in that unit during the war. He has nothing else about his Dad, and I can't find anything about the unit at all! If anyone knows anything about this unit please E-mail me and I will pass it on to my buddy. Thanks for your time. you can contact me at :
10th Transportation Group (Orient Express) or 238th AVIATION, 1st AVIATION BRIGADE or PACEX .
Places stationed: An Khe, Long Bien, Tay Ninh, Da Nang, Cam Rahn Bay.
Would like to hear from Captain Avery, SP4 Shepard, SP4 Smith, SP4 Lagozzi (sp?), W.O. Bemis, anyone who visited the Happy Hooch at An Khe or any others who remember me.
My address is:
719 Phillips St.
Sheridan, AR 72150
Steve Cox
I was in C 6/31st from October '68 through April '69 as a squad leader, then platoon sgt. Still looking for friends who were there with me. Just made my first contact from this type of listing with Lyle Taresh, who lives in Brookings, Oregon. Now that there are two of us, we are having a reunion at my house on the 15th of August. I live in Medford.
Cathy Morrell
I have been helping my husband search the internet for his buddies from the 588th. We have been to Jon's site, and I just discovered yours today. I am writing, because this search has been an emotional experience for me. I cannot quite identify why it means so much. I want to thank you and the other vets who have made this exploration on the internet possible for us.
Cathy Morrell
Earl O. Stanley
Looking for a Jimmy Y. Dennis. He was with the 1st Inf Div. 701st Mt. Bn in Viet Nam 1968 to 1969. My nick name is Stan, any info that anyone can give would be greately appriciated.
Richard M. Cheek
Jim Skaggs
I am the son of Sgt. Willard Skaggs, Jr. KIA 3-2-68, Co. C. I would like to speak with anyone who may have any information about my dad. God bless all of you. People like you are my heros. May you all go to heaven because I know you have already been to Hell. God bless the USA.
Grant Yee
I served as a platoon leader with A Troop, 3/4 CAV, 25th Inf. Div from March 1967 to July 1967 and then was transferred to D Troop, 17th Cav with the 199th Inf Bde. When I arrived the Troop had just finished operation "Junction City" in the Iron Triangle. We mostly did search and destroy missions in and around the Bo Loi and Hobo Woods and ran convoys to Tay Nien. I lost a tank and 4 APC's while I was there. B Troop had two Lt.s killed also.
i m a Vietnam veteran looking for an old American friend who was 2 lt ROBERT HAAN member of the AMERICAN advisor team during 1969 - 1970 at GIUC TUONG village , KIEN GIANG province . I understand that he came from WASHINGSTON state USA . If anyone knew about him please contact me on my email address which is vinhvu11@hotmail.com many thanks .
Walter Simpson (Chief)
I am a friend of Walter Simpson who served 67-68 with the 3/13 Art. 25th Inf. Charile Battery at FSB Burt. @ Cu Cui. He opperated one of the 155mm Self-Prop. Guns. He was known by some of his buddies as Chief. If there is anyone who remembers him, please e-mail me and I'll get the word to him.
E Mail
Looking for members of B Co. 1/35th. Cpt Bill Schofield was C.O., Benny Enriquez was 1st Sgt. I was Plt. Ldr. 3rd Plt. Looking for James C. Williams, my platoon Sgt. He is now a CSM possibly recently retired. Others are Steve Beers, Rodney Newburn (my RTO), Vernon Winston, Stan Lancaster, Louis Tunnel. please reply by Email, hope to hear from you all.
Wallace Craig
Wallace Craig
Looking for members of B Co. 1/35th. Cpt Bill Schofield was C.O., Benny Enriquez was 1st Sgt. I was Plt. Ldr. 3rd Plt. Looking for James C. Williams, my platoon Sgt. He is now a CSM possibly recently retired. Others are Steve Beers, Rodney Newburn (my RTO), Vernon Winston, Stan Lancaster, Louis Tunnel. please reply by Email, hope to hear from you all. Wallace Craig
Audrey Adkins
My dad is searching for two old military buddies that he served with in Mannheim Germany in 1980. If anyone knows how we can get ahold of Brian Eisenhart or Terry Eisermen, please let us know.
Mark Kent
I am looking for AC-130 crewman for a project that I am hoping to turn into a book. The project is in the beginning stages and currently I am acquiring contacts and info. I would like a lot of the book from the eyes of the crewmen so any response would be helpful. If interested, please E-mail me
E Mail
My brother was Jim Geer, Chaplain, in the Vietnam war. He would like to locate the wife of Capt. Troy Oliver, C.O. of Fox Company, 2nd Bat., 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division. Capt. Oliver was killed in action. My brother would like to give his wife a message. Please E-Mail PJoh132995@aol.com My brother does not have a computer so I will relay the information to him. Please supply a phone number if possible.
Bill Silva
E Mail
I am looking for a buddy of mine name: THOMAS J. BISHOP, he was from Florida and we were at Fort Benning then Vietnam. Co. B 1st BN 7th Cav. were at Ia Drang, served during the years 1965-1966. Thanks Larry Berg
Donnie Wotring
Went to nam in 66 as a mp co. then joined cac now know as cap combined action program, then 3rd bn 5th marines got wounded in 67
E Mail
My brother, "Billy" served in the llth Armored Cavalry Regiment, Howitzer Battery 1st Division. He was in Nam from December of '67 to December of '68. I'm trying to reach some of his army "buddies". Anyone out there remember Billy? I think it would help him!
Char Draper Wafford
John Tile
Was a member of 3rd Brigade at Dau Tieng during Tet (68). Any other info on Dau Tieng?
Donnie McGee
from Florence Alabama, is looking for an old friend of his from Viet Nam. They were at Dak To, Hill 875 together, 67-68. He says Ross Williams is one of the few friends from Nam that he lost touch with and he really would like to talk to him. They were with 173rd Airborne.
James H. Minica
MACV, IV Corps, VN, Vinh Long 1971-1972. Looking for buddies at MACV HQ and copter base.
E Mail
I would like to get in touch with someone who can give me the information any information on my uncle his name is Earl P. Snow. Anything you can give me will be apprietiated. Thank you very much.
Joseph Day
E Mail
I was in the razorbacks (120th aviation). my nickname was birdie. our slogan and banners were "death is our business,business is good". may 71 to may 72. assualt helicopter doorgunner
E Mail
I would like to find out whether or not you had ever heard of TCMD advisor at 4th T.C., 124th Transportation Battalion at New Port, Saigon. I have been trying to no avail in locating any info pertaining to this particular unit. If you got any idea of how and/or where I can obtain these data, I will appreciate it.
Wade Green
I am looking for anyone that served with the 2nd Bn 39th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division during 1967-1968. I was Plt Sgt of third Plt in C Co.
Former medic attached to Co B 1/8 ( Nov '67 thur Nov '68) would like to correspond with former comrads. Operated from LZ JANE, LZ ANN (QUANG-TRI PROV) Nick name DOC WHITE ** E-mail ** ** ASAP ** GARY WHITE **
E Mail
I served at Cu Chi, as the CSM, I/5 Mech, 25th Inf Div, February thru June 1969. Would like to contact those members of the Command Track, who served there. and anyone else in the I/5. I was transfered to the 3dBde 25th Div as the CSM in Jun 1969, until January 1970, Anyone interested, can contact me.
Joel ken Harris
Chow Ong: Vietnam May 1966-1967. 561st./584th. Medic. covered convoys from Cu Chi to Tay Nihn. Did you know a Lt. Neptune with the 25th. He was hit during incoming at Cu Chi. I had paid for a beer the night before and he was hit the next day. We also did the outer guard duty for the 196th. light Inf when they went to chuli--not certain of the spelling. Located north on the coast. Take care, Joel Ken Harris
Remember Tet 68. Hill 37 An Hoa Sept. 1967- Oct. 1968 Spent most of my time in An Hoa . South of hill 37 and on the "Yellow Brick Road". Never have seen anyone I served with Since Ive been back in the world .
Richard D Tipton
Looking for anyone who served in 25th Div. 1st Brigade 4bn. 9th Inf. Co. A 1st platoon oct 67-oct 68 under Lt. Richard D Tipton especially: RTO John Podlas and Mike Hatelosky or anyone at Tay Ninh who remembers any Manchus.
Paul Seib
I served with Co.D 3rd.Plt and later Co.E Weapons Plt. and CRIP. I was a Medic there from 69-70.
my father is looking for others who served in the 3/4 CAVS B TROOP. BOB TREGO SPC4 served in CU CHI area from Jan '67-May '68. i found a picture of some buddies, it had the following info on the back- SGT. JOHNSON; JONES-NEVADA; CONANT-TEXAS; THOMPSON-TEXAS; JUSTICE-GEORGIA; RITAGLIANA-NY; PIPER-CALIFORNIA dad believes JONES was killed when an RPG-2 was fired into the tank. he also remembers WENDEL CHAMBLEY (i am sorry if i spelled the name wrong) and had in the past been in touch w/ STEVEN GORDY.
E Mail Here
Abtry 2/77 FA 1969-1970 Looking for men who served at that time.
Heather (Ross) Ellington
looking for people who knows and or served with my father he disappered 5 years ago. i am worried about him any information if not any iformation on him in service was in 25th infantary in veitnam he was a Seargent do not know where name is Robert S. Ross From California
Joe Evangelista
I served Co B 4/23, Tay Ninh area from Oct 69 to Sept 70. Platoon Sgt for the third platoon, am looking for anyone who served during this time. Would like to make contact with James Putnam, Larry Keys, First Sgt Whalen, Johnnie Jones (JJ) of Phila, Also trying to locate parents of Sp4C Danny Petersen, Medal of Honor Recipient, KIA 9Jan70, Danny was from Kansas. Be safe my brothers
Ralph Rinehart
I was with Co A 2/27th cu chi from may 66 to feb 67. I was in the 81 mortar section. I be became the squad leader. you made mention of being the first tunnel rat. I think i remmeber you. get back with me. looking foreward to hear from you.
Richard Edward Smith
Looking for soldiers who served in... 1st Bn, 327th INF - 101st ABB Div 7-65/6-66
Mike Fayard
looking for anyone that was with hhc 5/7 cav. camp evens an loc lz button annd sangbe was their 68 69 eddie mandoza,fox,david ford also (peewee) he was from maryland. also with motorpool most guys were from alambana. WELCOME HOME TO ALL
Walt McDonald
Served with Co A 1stBn 14thInf 3rd Brigade Hawaii April 1965 to Vietnam (Pleiku) Dec 1966 I have been in touch with Rincon, Balkovec, Grego, French. Was at 25th Reunion, Ft. Mitchell, Ky., Aug. 1997. Saw Col. Proctor,Capt. Tom Jones, Capt. Cacciope, Sgt. Hatch.. Where is everyone else? I miss you guys and think of you all everyday! Hope to hear from you. " GOLDEN DRAGONS" " THE RIGHT OF THE LINE"
John Towles
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone on here knew my father, he recently passed away in Sept. and I was just wanted to try to find some of the people he served with. Please, if anyone sees this post and knew him,
Service: Army
Number of tours in Vietnam:7
Name: Marvin Neal Towles
Nickname: Champ
Rank: 1st Sgt., E-8
Div: 1st Calv. 23rd Inf. or 25th Inf.
Notes: My father told me about LZ X-Ray and Ia Drang Valley if that is any help.
Thank You. John Towles.
E Mail
16 th engr. Co. C -- Dec66.=Dec.67 Can see your faces but can'nt put any name,s with the face's my heart will always be with the Tropic Lightning.
E Mail
A friend of mine is trying to track down his father, a marine possibly ex San Fran who fought in Vietnam, and had a posting to Antartica around 1968 - 1969. The person's name is Kevin MacDonald and he's got a gorgeous son in New Zealand. Any ideas as to HOW to find this guy much appreciated.
Snoopy Squad
bravo 1/2 snoopy squad looking for anyone who was in my squad at con then oct/67 to oct/68. frenchy granny chief someone must know where you live so give me a call. i think about you guys alot Ron Turner california ky 606 635 4565
E Mail
SEEKING MEMBERS OF THE FOLLOWING UNITS: 2-8 , 1-8, and 1-35 Infantry 4-42 , 5-16 and 3-6 Arty 1-69 Armor 2-1 Cav 4th and 299th Engineer 1-8 and 2-8 Transportation 4th Aviation
I'm looking for any Wolfhounds that remember corresponding with a young woman named Linda from New York City in 1967-1969. After losing her fiancee in 1967 (he was a SEAL), she began corresponding with men in the 27th Infantry who normally received no mail from home. I'm trying to verify her story and appreciate any info confirming this. Thanks!
E Mail
Looking for any who servered with the 70th at AnKhe, VietNam. Contact me ASAP
E Mail
My outfit was the 25th Inf. Div. 4/9 Inf. I was HQ co. My MOS was 52B20 generator mechanic. I think I did a good job. My tour was from 6/68 to 6/69.
My name is Adan Miranda i`am looking for information about my uncle he was in the army mos:11B10 puerto rican rank pfc last name MIRANDA-PEREZ first name NOE he was in vietnam in december 11 1965 and died in january 29 1966 in south vietnam ground casualty if you have any or now anyone write back to me
E Mail
I was in A Battery, 5th Bn, 2nd, Arty out of Phu Loi, Dau Tieng, twin 40mm AA on an m-41 chassis. any other dusters quads or searchlights out there?619-447-2200
Larry Loree
I was there in '66-67' You have a way of presenting the VN war in an horable war. Like you, I was proud to serve my country over there. Keep up the good work. Dueval,Jim W
Was with HHC 1/14th Inf. 25th Div. at Plekiu from the time we (the Division) arrived in country till 1/67 Dan Herald
served with abtry 2/77th FA May 1969 thru June 1970 Looking for a Bastian Ulenbush from California and also a Lt Anderson from Calf
Keith Bolstad
Looking for Col. Henchmam, spelling could be off. Just want to tell him thanks for not crossing the bridge. The Col. left just before tet 1968.Almost thirty years and yet parts seem like yesterday. Robert Webb
Iserved with B Troop 3/4 Cav from January 69 to January 70. I've been trying to locate a member of or crew, "Jerry Johnson", vehicle 23. The last I knew of Jerry was that he was living in Tennessee. If anyone knows how to contact him I would like to check an see how he's doing and also anyone else who was with the the troop. Also looking for Brian Hundsacker, and Danny Casto. If anyone wood like to contact me and just visit that will be appreciated
Jon D. Hovde
I drove APC Track 23 & 23 with Co A 4/23rd Mech 25th Infantry in Cu Chi from October to January 8, 1968 when I hit a land mine outside of Cu Chi. Spent 23 days in intensive care ward at 12th Evac in Cu Chi, --then Japan and Letterman's General in San Francisco. Blew off left leg and arm, but very happy to be alive, like many of you had friends who died in Nam. Welcome Home!!
Dear Veterens, My dad was in the 5th infantry division, and i would like to find anyone who might have served with or was in the same group as he was. He was in country from 05/5/69-05/5/70. His recorc of assignment states his unit as HHC1stBde5thInfDiv(M)USARPAC, his duties performed state PsyOpsOff. He told me and my brother that he worked in the Quang Tri Province with the Kit Carson Scouts, going-everywhere from Loas to Thialand to Cambodia. I am very interested in finding anyone who has any info about my dad during his tour or just info about his particular unit. Thanks, Jon Beaumont
Herb Artola
Platoon leader, 3d Battalion, 22nd Infantry, 25th Division, 1970-71; pilot and platoon leader, 60th Aviation Company (AH), 17th Group, 1st Aviation Brigade, 1972-73.
The 22nd Infantry Regiment Society is seeking out all former "Regulars", offering camaraderie, fellowship, a quarterly newsletter, biannual reunions, and a Web Page at 22nd Infantry Also, check out "Bravo Regulars" of the 3d Battalion 22nd Infantry at Bravo Regulars
Ed Stanton
D 2/27 3rd herd "pointman" 1969 - 1970 anybody left out there?
Daniel D. Pineda
Wolfhounds in Vietnam
E Mail
I served with the 65th Engr Bn. 65-66.
Larry Albala
3/4cav. 25inf Hay willy trying to hook up with som of the guy i served with during this time i was wounded in my head at pleiku after i rotated out i was sent to a v.a. hosp. for three mo. when they got through with me i couldnt remember one name of all the great men ive served with.
Bob Smith
67th Maint. Co. attached to the 101st, in country jan 68 - 69, Hue, Danang, Phu Bia,,,,, Camp Eagel... 30 years.... looking for anyone still around
James L. Doyle
CO A, 1/35,3rd Brigade,25th Division, Pleiku. I was there from April 1966 until I got shot on the 4th of July.
Christian a Rink
I was in Acompany 2nd 35th 1966 to1967 25th inf.Pleiku.I have been looking for men from my unit but no luck.crink@mail.microserve.net.I would like to hear from you. Maybe you have some of the names im looking for. William e Sasser. or James P simth.
Jeff Dossett
I was the FO, :(Cannon 42) for 4/9Inf. Bravo Co. from 10/67- 2-68. I was from 7/11 Artillery.Am trying to locate Capt. Al Baker, Manchu Bravo 6.
E Mail
Dear Veterens, My dad was in the 5th infantry division, and i would like to find anyone who might have served with or was in the same group as he was. He was in country from 05/5/69-05/5/70. His recorc of assignment states his unit as HHC1stBde5thInfDiv(M)USARPAC, his duties performed state PsyOpsOff. He told me and my brother that he worked in the Quang Tri Province with the Kit Carson Scouts, going-everywhere from Loas to Thialand to Cambodia. I am very interested in finding anyone who has any info about my dad during his tour or just info about his particular unit. Thanks, Jon Beaumont
E Mail
my father is looking for others who served in the 3/4 CAVS B TROOP. BOB TREGO SPC4 served in CU CHI area from Jan '67-May '68. i found a picture of some buddies, it had the following info on the back- SGT. JOHNSON; JONES-NEVADA; CONANT-TEXAS; THOMPSON-TEXAS; JUSTICE-GEORGIA; RITAGLIANA-NY; PIPER-CALIFORNIA dad believes JONES was killed when an RPG-2 was fired into the tank. he also remembers WENDEL CHAMBLEY (i am sorry if i spelled the name wrong) and had in the past been in touch w/ STEVEN GORDY.
Heather (Ross) Ellington
looking for people who knows and or served with my father he disappered 5 years ago. i am worried about him any information if not any iformation on him in service was in 25th infantary in veitnam he was a Seargent do not know where name is Robert S. Ross From California
E Mail
Abtry 2/77 FA 1969-1970 Looking for men who served at that time.
John Short
Looking for Gary Oliver, Eugene Buhr, Arnold Farlow, and others who served with Charlie Company 2/22 25 Infantry Division. Our base camp was Dau Tieng and Tay Ninh. If you know of their whereabouts please email me
Jon Beaumont
Dear Veterens, My dad was in the 5th infantry division, and i would like to find anyone who might have served with or was in the same group as he was. He was in country from 05/5/69-05/5/70. His recorc of assignment states his unit as HHC1stBde5thInfDiv(M)USARPAC, his duties performed state PsyOpsOff. He told me and my brother that he worked in the Quang Tri Province with the Kit Carson Scouts, going-everywhere from Loas to Thialand to Cambodia. I am very interested in finding anyone who has any info about my dad during his tour or just info about his particular unit.
my father is looking for others who served in the 3/4 CAVS B TROOP. BOB TREGO SPC4 served in CU CHI area from Jan '67-May '68. i found a picture of some buddies, it had the following info on the back- SGT. JOHNSON; JONES-NEVADA; CONANT-TEXAS; THOMPSON-TEXAS; JUSTICE-GEORGIA; RITAGLIANA-NY; PIPER-CALIFORNIA dad believes JONES was killed when an RPG-2 was fired into the tank. he also remembers WENDEL CHAMBLEY (i am sorry if i spelled the name wrong) and had in the past been in touch w/ STEVEN GORDY.
ralph rinehart
I was with Co A 2/27th cu chi from may 66 to feb 67. I was in the 81 mortar section. I be became the squad leader. you made mention of being the first tunnel rat. I think i remmeber you. get back with me. looking foreward to hear from you.
E Mail
E Mail
Aussie, 1st Australian Task Force, A Squadron, 3rd Cavalary Regiment, Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy, 1967
John Driessler
I served as a rifleman with the 2/47th, Bravo, 1st platoon, Ninth Infantry Division from Dec.'67 to Dec.'68
Mark Webb
Website: Musings from an ex-Grunt
You have simply a splendid site. I thoroughly enjoyed looking around and appreciate the effort you've put into it.
Jim Jerome
You folks supported us at Tan Son Nhut AB in 66-67 while I was stationed with the 377 Scty Pol Sq. Thanks Again. Jim
John G. Sullivan
I was near Ben Hoa 1969
Michael Gasiorek
Keep up the good work and I was over there in 1965 t0 1966. 508 Eng. core station at Vung-Tau and traveled to bombed out bases to repair electrical lines
CW4 (Ret) Bob Warns
I know that I must have flown you at one time or another. I was Hornet 33, from the 116th Avn Co. located at Phu Loi. I was in Nam from Sep 65-Sep66 and again in 68-69. You have a great site! Welcome home! and God Bless!!
John E. Jordan,Jr.
I visited Cu Chi from May 1968 to 1969 assigned to the 65th.Combat Engineers. Hope we can all leave someday.
Belanger, Ken
Served with Alpha Co. 4/23rd 25th Div. Driver of track #12 Aug 68 - Aug 60 Home address, 42 Evergreen Ave., Clifton Park, NY 12065
Dan Herald
served with abtry 2/77th FA May 1969 thru June 1970 Looking for a Bastian Ulenbush from California and also a Lt Anderson from Calf
Dueval,Jim W
Was with HHC 1/14th Inf. 25th Div. at Plekiu from the time we (the Division) arrived in country till 1/67 . I remember faces but names are blank!
Larry Smith
HHS 1967 Viet Nam Feb 67 - Mar 68
Jon D. Hovde
I served with the 25th in Cu Chi, Vietnam 1967-68, was badly wounded losing a arm and leg. I drove lead APC for Co A 4/23 Mech. and hit a land mine.
Tom Becker
Served April Fool's day 69 to 70 with 1/22inf,Co D, 3rd Plt, 4th Inf.Div as machine gunner. Any other Green Eyes out there?
Ron Miska
I was drafted in Dec 67, Spent Jun 68 to Jul 69 in B-1/10Cav West of Pleiku and Kontum mostly.
Jake Silvis
Just finished the annual visit of the traveling WALL in Branson,M I'm a 50 year old vet 6/71ST) May 67 to August 68.
Iam looking for anyone in 229 wing assult div 1 air cav. in 1966 home base ANKHE.
Douglas F. Abbitt
I served with the 269th Combat Aviation Battlion from Nov67 to Nov68 at Cu Chi.
Jim Adcock
Served 1966 Phan Rang Civil Engring Squadron. Love to hear from anyone that was in the area during that time. The l0lst Airborne had an encampment next to us as well as a howitzer unit. Next to the hill: Nui Dot.
Jim Quigley
I was driving an APC in the lead element that pulled on to the peanut field, that later became Cu Chi. The Fragmaster A 1/5 Mech 1965/66
Roger Stearns Sr.
We (151 TC of 6th trans 48th group) worked with units of the 1st 27th in Nov. & Dec. 1967. We ran convoys between CuChi & Katom.
Paul Sando
Served in Da Nang 1969-70. USAF, 20th TASS - forward air control aquadron (O2 & OV10A)
Richard N Martin
Served in Viet Nam 1969-1970 in the first marine division, second cag (combat action group).
Willis H. (Denny) Burroughs, Jr.
I served from August '69 to August '70 as S-1 with 12th Evac Hospital at Cu Chi. You 25th guys are the greatest. I remember, well, when the move was made into Cambodia. "Tropic Lightning" took good care of us, as I hope we did of you. I'd love to hear from somebody else out there who came through the hospital or was assigned to it.
Terry Landers
tlanders@anderson.lib.sc.us or:
Terry Landers
315 Coker Rd
Anderson SC 29626 Phones: (864) 2613210 home
or (864) 260-4036 office or FAX (864) 260-4093
mark waggoner
I was with the 36th combat engineers, 25th division Cu Chi and 36th Engineer Battalion (Combat) Can Tho, VInh Long, Mekong Delta. Seems like yesterday doesn't it
Dave Meyer
I was with 2/34 armor of 25 inf. div. in Tay Ninh Province in 1970. I remember fsb Buell, Nui Ba Den, and Cambodia Invasion.
Al Kizina
served with the 18 th com squad Air Force Danang 1966- 67
Gerald Doolan Sr.
Still looking for old buddies from Vietnam 68-69. India 3/3 third Platoon third Marines.
Robert Henry
SP/5 Robert Henry Phu Bai (outside of Hue) June 68/June69
MSG Daniel Mitchell (Ret)
Dan Mitchell C-2nd/14th Inf 67-68
i am looking for anyone who was with a btry 7th batt. 11th arty. from 66 to68. took the ride across the big water. on GEN WALKER. steve lenart darryl davis - van santen- snake the cook, CAPT. ROBT.WINTERS or anyone else who did the deed WRITE BACK!!
Floyd L. Parks jr.
I was with the 25th Inf Div, 3bn, 13th Arty,Btry 1966-67. My home base was chu-chi with the 155 self propelled howitzer. i'm looking for any information are buddies when I was over there. I would appreciate any info you could send me. thanks
Al Scott
I was at Bien Hoa in 63'-64' and Saigon 72' - 73'
Edward B. Pablo 1SG Ret.
I served in the 9th Inf Div at Ft Lewis WA. from 1975 to 1989, While in Vietnam I was Attached to the 9th as a Door Gunner on a helicopter gunship operating out of an LST on the Mekong Delta River near Can Tho. I am Edward B. Pablo 1SG Ret. I had a lot of very good and dear friends while I was with the 9th in Vietnam, I have lost contact with them through out the years.
Denny Duffy
I served with Co C/4th Bn/23rd Inf(Mech) from May 68 until Oct 68
Gerald Austin
Hello, I'm the daughter of a vietnam vet(and proud of it). I'm writing to help my father find some old friends from the 25 inf. he was in vietnam in 1968. His name is Gerald Austin.If anyone is out there who served with him, please e-mail me. I'd love to suprise him!
I served with alpha btry 5/16th arty 4th inf div from basic to nam departure sept 67.Any old redlegs from 5th battalion out there?
Vince Teodosio
My father-in-law (named Vince Teodosio) is trying to locate a fellow member of Communications Platoon, HQ & HQ Company, stationed at Ladd AFB in Fairbanks, AK, from 1956-1957. He is trying to locate Carmine Capobianco, PFC. As Vince does not yet have an e-mail address, please forwarward any info that you might find to me. Thanks. Sincerely, Bill Sheehy WTSPE@aol.com
25th 1st/27th wolfhounds 67-68
Michael D Christenson
looking for 1LT Ron Hendricks, 1LT Jeffrey P. Mayfield, 1LT Earnie Tuggle We were platoon leaders for Co. D 2/12 Inf, 25 Inf Div. in Dau Teing and in the Rubber Plantation together. I would like to contact anyone from 2/12th that can remember me.
Willy JJ Morris
MR. Willy JJ Morris was my father he died of suicide in 1985, Im very proud of my father and all vietnam vets,im currently a SGT. 1st CAV. DIV. 1st of the 7th Cav..I dont know much about my fathers service and need help.
SGT.Morris Steven j.
Thomas Moon
Is anyone from the 540th BARC, still out there. We served on Wonder Beach and Vung Ro Bay. We delivered the 5th Mechanized equipment on Wonder Beach, 1968. Resupplied the 1st Cav, in I Corp. Made a daily run with bombs from Vung Ro Bay to Tuy Hoa Air Force Base, 1969. 540th was deactivated in 1970, all personell were transfered to the 1098th in Da Nang. War is hell, but at the time it was the only one we had.
Bill Goodwin
Looking for anyone who server in Phan Thiet from June 68 to June 68, I was with the 437 Medical Detach., 136 Medical and was then moved to 101st Airborne.
Paul Hemphill
I was the assistant to the chief of chaplains for the 25th. Duty wasn't bad, except for the daily compilation of the dead for whom I had to prepare daily memorial services. Jeff Fisher of St Louis was a concert pianist serving with me in the same group.
Jim Wilson
Ssgt. William Talada
25th Infantry Division, 2/14th Golden Dragons, B co. 3rd Platoon sgt. March 1969 to march 1970.
Randy Millican
I was a flight medic with the 159th DustOff based in Cu Chi with a standby in Tay Ninh an Dau Tieng. You can find our new web through the Dustoff Association homepage.
Gerald Austin
I was in Vietnam in 1968, 25th Infintry,2nd >division, 77th Artilary.Looking for friends from over there. Please >e-mail me at nlowry@epix.net WELLCOME HOME TO ALL!!
Randy Kethcart
I'm looking to make contact with Shawn McCall. Last time I saw him was on Nov. 9th 1970, when he was put on a dustoff and flew into the darkness. This was also the night that Randall Lee Ellis, Francis William Harter, and Ronald J. Di Bartolomeo were killed I would really like to hear from you Shawn, so if anyone knows you Please let me know. November 9th 1970 was the very worst day of my life! Thank you, Randy
Visit Randy's site A Year on the Jumping Jack
Jim Obrian
Looking for anyone who served with FOX 2/26 Marines 1968. Anyone remember LZ MARGO 9-15-68. 80 KIA, 100 WIA. Miss Them. Wish to make contact with someone from my unit. SEMPER FI
David M. Taylor
I was in the Nam as a Navy Corpsman with 3-5 Marines and NMCB-62.
David M,Taylor Maj,USAF,NC Retired Flight Nurse
George L. Eyster II
Served with 1st Bn. 27th Infantry Co.B "Wolfhounds", Jan. 7, 1967 to Jan. 7, 1968. Glad to see and here from others who made the tour.
Mack Sepeda
I was with the 2/32 Arty 175 and 8in at Cu Chi from nov 66 to jan 67, we then moved to Tay Ninh, I left the fun in nov 67
Visit Mack's Home On The Net
Rodney Cress
I served with 1st Cav in 1970 in 3 corp and with 101st Airborne in 1 corp at Hue.
Don Buchanan
I pulled my tour from 11-68/ 7-69. I was stationed at Red Beach in DaNang with the 2nd marine div. FLC. If anyone was stationed there during that time, e-mail me. I had alot of friends there. As you can tell I didn't get to pull my full tour.
Paul Moldenhauer
I was with the 25th May '70 to May '71 in Cu Chi, etc. Wife and I went back this past June. We couldn't get over to the site of the base camp. Did notice a Catholic Church in Cu Chi. Everything was so much changed. I really wanted to see if the Church in Bac Ha, just outside our perimeter was still there. Also, the cemetary in the 25th S & T area?
Welch Warren
Served with the 313th Radio Research Bat. (ASA) 1967-68
Gary A. Harding
Was in Vietnam, 25Th, Company C, 3rd Batt. 12/69 to 5/1970 Wounded in action 5/28 and 5/70 in Cambodia
Richard Esgana
I was with Company A, 1st/35th Infantry, 3rd Bde, 25th Division. Left Hawaii in late Novemeber, 1965. Served at Pleiku all through 1966.
Vic Satterlund
I was with the 4/9 Manchus 68-69. The last six months I spent with the C.R.I.P. Platoon under the Phoenix Program.
Tom Swart
Looking for informaton and members who served aboard the USS REPOSE (AH-16) during the Viet Nam War.
Larry James
3rd Platoon Delta Co 4th BN 9th Inf 25th Inf Div
Jack Hawkins
147th LEM, 59th Signal, Long Bien Thursday, 14-Aug-97 19:38:56
Looking for members of the listed unit from June 70 till June 71. Especially would like to find SP Herman, I believe from Ohio. Herman I have your R&R slides, but I lost your address after you left for the world. I would love to get them to you. All help is greatly appreciated!!
Dane Rowton
25th Inf. Div. Cu Chi 10th engr. Bat. Wednesday, 13-Aug-97 17:08:18 Message: I was in the 25th Inf. Div. 10th engr. Bat. Feb. 1968 thru Mar. 1969. I was a member of the best combat tank crew in southeast asia. Bodin, Bradford, if your out there I think about you now and then. I even remembered your names. Buddy Bradford are you still supporting the handlebar mustache? I'd like to hear from you guys. Good Luck ! Sgt. Rowton
Kellan Kyllo
I was a crewchief on a CH-46 with HMM-262, 1st Marine Wing from December 1966 to July 1968 at KyHa, Marble Mountain, aboard the USS Tripoli LPH 10, and at Quang Tri when my squadron supported the 26th Marines during the seige of Khe Sanh. Interested in contacting anyone who I served with during that time.
David Stafford
Looking for TPS-25 Radar operators I'm interested in finding my old buddies that operated a ground surveillance radar out of the Cu Chi area from 4/69 to 4/70. We were attached to HQ/HQ Battery of the 25th Infantry Division Artillery and operated mostly along the Cambodian border and Tay Ninh areas. Some of the specific locations included; Go Dau Ha, Angel's Wing, Ben Cao, Tra Cu, Loc Giang, Tay Ninh base camp, FSB Crook, FSB Washington and an FSB near Nui Ba Den mountain.
Razorback or Arkansas Andy
Looking for Little Bears Looking for fellow helicopter crews who served with A Company (Little Bears), 25th Avn Bn, 25th Div. I was a crewchief from Oct 69 to Oct 70 with 3rd platoon. My AC was Cpt. Bob Lockwood, CP WO1 Ted (Just plain Ted) Hinkle and gunner SP/4 Butch Blake. Any info appreciated.
Gary Dalton
Looking for 25th div.,725 maint. batt. 69/70 Gary Dalton served in Cu Chi 27 years ago but has never heard from anyone he knew there. I've been married to him for 16 of those years & am sure he would like to hear from others who shared his experience. Especially Eldon Black, wherever he is! Respond by e-mail to address above, or phone 417-345-7859.
Robert Dixson
Served with the 4th Bn 9th Infantry 25th Infantry Division Cu Chi Vietnam 1966
Marcus Burk
I was with Charlie Co. 2/22 (mech) "Triple Deuce", 4th/25th Div from 3/67 to 3/68, based in Dau Tieng, near Michelin plantations. We are getting organized and need anyone that was affiliated with the 22nd Inf Reg in Vietnam. If anyone wants info on C 2/22, E-mail me at burkm@dnc.net or John Eberwine at vietvet222@juno.com, "Deeds not Words"
Ronald R. Holden Sgt.
Kenneth Gregory
I stumbled on your page and it brought back a lot of memories. I spent three tours in Vietnam, and unfortunately have not had a chance to return to see it today. I was with the 3d Bde, 4th Div. I had "C" Troop, 10 Cav and had route security from Tay Ninh to the Michelon
Ray Williams
I served in Co B, 3/9th in 1967-68. It wasn't all bad.
Richard A. Sandul
I was in Ankorage when the Manchu's and Tomahawks both moved out to Hawaii. I flew to Schofield with the advance party. I rode over on the boat w/5000 others... did my year...went back to Alaska... and then 1049'd back to the 'nam for another tour. This time I left a leg there..
Tom Foster
I served with the 25th Inf Div. A Co. 4th Bn 23 Inf in Spring 1968
Tim Chester
I served with Bravo Company, 4/23rd Infintry 1967-68. Have not had contact with anyone I served with and want to talk with some of the old guys from my outfit.
Barry Cruthers
was in the nam june 69 to june 70. 25th div out of tay ninh was in 4/23rd mech infantry at fire base rawlins near the black virgin mt.-niu ba den. went to cambodia in april 70
Dan Drake
Was in support of 25th, 1970-71. Not another sorry REMF, but one who cared and worked hard to help!
Steve Sanders
I enjoyed your site, it helps people remember the men and women who gave so much for our country. I am proud to be a member of the same military as they. KEEP UP THE FIRE.
John W. Massey jr
2nd27th 25th div oct 66-aug 67 combat medic would like to here from my brothers.
James Skrabalak
Jim Dillon
My husbands homepage is sponcered by the VFW Post 474, George Markovic (918) 683-5253 and Nam Vets Only Inc., Cornelious Henderson (918) 834-5412.
Sincerely, Diana Dillon
Jon C. Drolshagen
I was and will forever be a MANCHU. My tour, in uniform, covered 1966-67. My platoon took extensive casualities in Jan. of '67 and my Company did the same in Feb. of '67. Our Country's greatest fighting men walked the paths of freedom in South East Asia and I am damn proud to have been an officer working with such gallant troops. Keep up the Fire!
William D Ruff
Thank you for e-mailing me about the 3/4 Cav page and your page.
Jim Mazdra
USAF, Nha Trang 8/65-10-66, Tuy Hoa 10/66-2/97 Wonderful! Looking at the beach scenes of Nha Trang was like going home again.
Dale Walker
Dec-07-1966 till Dec 5-1967 ------16 th engr. C-Company south west side of camp But was aways out in the field
Dan A. Hart
I was with company c 1stbn. 5th mech. in cu chi from 1966 to 1968. Good to hear from someone who was there. good luck on everything you try to do in life.
Clyde Gaidosh
Larry R. Criteser
Manchu's 4th Bn. 9th Inf., Delta Co. 4th platoon (Weapons), 2nd squad leader.
Mike Smith
Where are you guys? I'm looking for anyone who served with Delta Co., 4/9th. I was squad leader and later platoon sargent from 1/69 -1/70. We served at FSB Stoneman, Molecity, French Fort. Also spent time on top of Nui Ba Den, in the rubber plantions, at the Holiday Inn, in the Angle's Wing. Many, many bush masters and ambushes. I cannot remember many names but only a few... Krut, Crommedy, Greek, Lt. Wrong-Way, Jim Byle, Whisky. Let me hear from anyone.
Evan Morgan
I'm a 100% disabled Vietnam Vet,from the USMC,A guy in my group at the Pittsburgh Veterans Hospital,who is disabled from the Army needs information on his unit in Vietnam the 199TH. Light Infantry. Could you give us any info on web pages for this unit,or an address to write or Email an orginization for this unit? Any help you could give us would be greatly appreciated. PS. This Veterans name is Ron Meade ,one of the places he was at in Nam was Xuan Loc.
looking for anyone who served in the 79 th maint. bat. in long bihn vietnam 1969-71 trying to help my brother locate friends sgt. joel levine jerry wayne eldrige in charge of s-23 bill mc catty gene gafeller richard enderly from n.j. my brothers name thomas r. martin s-p4 36k20 inft.field wireman commo section
Finis Purifoy
I was station at cu chi with the 25th and 65the eng. bn. and B company.
I am looking for anyone that was ther in October 1969 October 1970
W Mail
Gerald Berwick, USAF, Vietnam 65-67- am trying to assist a friend who served
in the 25th Co. B 2/12 Wolfhounds, his name is David Thibodeaux from
Louisiana. Was wounded by shrapnel at Firebase Warrior on July 4, 1970. In
big fight with VA now. Needs help. Anyone who remembers David , Firebase
Warrior . Can't locate med rec. He remembers Lt. Isler (guess on
spelling), Roundtree and being assigned to the Rough Riders. Please contact
me by e-mail or at 3515 St. Raphael Ln.,Sulphur, La. 70663
Vic McPhee
I was in the 69th Signal Battalion at Tan Son Nhut from Feb 67' to Feb 68'. I'm
currently reading the book, "The Tunnels of Cu Chi by Tom Mangold/ John Penycate. Got me interested in finding out more about Cu Chi. Your
web site is perfect for that. Thanks.
Richard Herrel
I Was In Cu Chi 67-68 Co B 554TH ENG. BN.
Grady R. Long Jr. Ronnie H. Sword
I was in viet-nam in 68-69-70. I was in a engr. group, building roads.I was in the
577th.engineer battalion construction (c-co)
Co.A 2/12 25th Infantry 1969 Fire Base Pershing
W/1/12 2/26 3RD MARINE DIV. RVN 3/68-4/69.
Jim Latchford
Just got this computer. Now I'm looking for guys I served with 67-69 Cu Chi 125Sig. 25 Inf.So many momeries,hope a few old friends
read this and reply J.Taylor, Hinkley, Tyree, Mc Naughton, P. Stoddard, Sgt. Jenkins an all the rest of you guys
Ben Youmans
I was with C company 2/35 Infantry Cacti Blue Feb68-July 68 as
part of the 4th Div. We were westerly of Polei Kleng. Visited the 2/35
at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii last year, they are back home in the
tropics with the 25th Div. ONCE A LEG ALWAYS A LEG. Hope to see everyone
at the largest NAMVET reunion in Melbourne, Florida April24-26th 1998.
Look for the 25th and 4th flags in the rally area. TAKE ARMS.
Larry Taylor
I served with 9th eng.from 1966-1968 B.Co.
ChuLai to Hue. Went back to Nam 1969, was with 3rd.eng.
attached to G. co 2/9 3rd. Mar. div. Was shot thru neck on May 15th
looking for any from old units. Boot Camp 4/ 1966 M.C R.D. Plt.1007
Michael Pectol
I was 2/77 at Burt and as I remember it, some of the 4/9 came
out on choppers the morning after, when it was not totally over, to help
out,etc. wanted to say thanks and if there is a way to send a message to
the whole Assn. or whatever, would like to know how to contact anyone who
may know about how to get, or have copies of that old Vietnam 25th
Division Newspaper, the "TROPIC LIGHTNING FLASHES' There was an article
about fsb burt in it. anyway, great site and thanks. We were out there
with the 22nd Inf,3/13FA. It was on New years Eve, 31 dec. 67.---Mike
Andrew Godfrey
Enjoyed your website very much...I was in the 25th Administration company
working as a postal clerk...We were shot at by snipers one time while I was
there in Vietnam and 2 months after I left a mortar shell hit the post office
killing my replacement..It could have been me if I hadn't decided to leave at
the end of my 3 years..I decided it wasn't the best place to re-enlist.
I couldn't get the guestbook to let me sign in so I will give some
information in case you know anyone from the 25th Administration Company.
Andrew Godfrey: At Schofield from May 1963 - January 1966 and in Vietnam
from January 1966 - May 1966...I was in Army Reserve and did my basic training
in 1962 finished my 6 months in April 1963 at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana
then after a few weeks re-enlisted for 3 years active duty.
Was in same quad as 65th Engineer Battalion and worked at Schofield Barracks
post office, the USARHAW post office and field post offices at Molokai, Big
Island at Camp Pohakaloa and finished my time in Vietnam.
Please let me know if you happen to know anyone especially those from post
office or 25th Administration Company.
Andrew Godfrey
Gary Carter
My husband was with E2-7 Marines in Nam from "66-"67. I am looking for any of
his buddies that was with him around the DMZ. I found a Samuel Bible from
Tenn on the net but I am not sure if He is the same person. Also looking for
James Zalpis from Illinois. There were several other men that was with triple
C. Would love to hear from you and to see how you all are getting along. We
have a son who was born with brain damage and we believe it was due to agent
orange. Of course, we are one of the few that have children like this, but he
is now having suicidal tendencies, and also psychotic tendencies. I would
appreciate any help that you could contribute. Thank you very much. Lee Ellen
Dave Logosz
I served with Co D 3-22 25th Div. from Aug 69 till Aug 70 Tay-Nihn base camp Also Fire support bases Washington, Crook, Dau-Tieng, Katum etc. Would like to hear from others. My nickname was "Sniper". Dave Logosz From ND.
My name is Bokyung, Kim
I was a KATUSA, worked in supply room, C Co 1/9th inf(M) 2ID for 3yrs.
I'm looking for Duane Turner and Mario J.Martinez who were my roommates.
Unfortunately, I can't remember Turner's middle name.
Turner, he was my company's armor,stayed in Korea for about 17 monthes between 1994 and 1995 and Martinez, he worked as driver, stayed between 1994 and 1995, too.
I'm sorry to give you this kind of trouble but this is the only way I can get in touch with them. Please, let me know their addresses or phone numbers.
Thank you for your attention.
I am looking for Clifford D. Doore
served with 101st 1st bde 1/327 A co
vietnam,1966/67. can any one help on how best to locate present location or
old address. city or state. thanks for your effort setting up this site.
Tony Vitiello's
I was with the 3/22 d co. 1st platoon, 25th inf div. from dec.67 -dec68.
base camp was dua tieng, one of our biggest night mares was 4/12/68 the
battle of good friday- location 60 miles north of siagon. the party
started 2:00 AM we were hit with rockets&motars and then followedf by a
massive ground attach. 1st platoon of d co & 1st platoon of b co were
over run. this battle lasted til 9:00 am. with 17 us killed and 44
wounded, the number of nva killed was 426.
the 2nd battle took place in Ap CHOA that lasted 11days , day & nigth of
pure hell. men were lost each day and they say we didn't fight a war.
my wounds are still wet and will never heal. I eat nam each & every day.
at this stage in life I'm 100% total & permanent . I ask my self why and
what was gained for those brothers who nver made it home. we vets must
stand up to protect and support each other. we know the pain. I wuold
love to hear from any vet .
I am a high school student who is searching for a vietnam vet.
I was wondering if you could assist me in finding a Greg Martin 2nd Lt
marine from Long Island. I beleive he served in 1968-69. I would greatly
appreciate this if you can help
thank you
Terry Richard
Served as combat photographer assigned to Wolfhounds 1967 at Cu Chi, Vietnam. Am currently a film producer in Vancouver, Wash. area. Trying to locate former 2nd Lt Douglas Hudson, 25th PIO at Cu Chi (1966-1967). If anyone know his whereabouts, please contact me. Thanks.
Carl E. Lombard
What a great site!
I served in Korea with the 25th in 1953-53 and received the CIB for action during CARSON, VEGAS, etc.
I am currently the National Executive Office of the
Combat Infantrymen's Association Inc. with HQ in Asheville
NC and we have local Companies in various states and cities
in the USA. Why not JOIN us, your fellow Dogface and Grunts
Cliff Brethauer
I was with the "Golden Dragons" at Cu-Chi in "67".Spent most of my time in Roc Kien in the deltauntil I got messed up by a booby trap in a paddy.Spent about 10 mo.s in various hospitals & was discharged.I am now a Graphic Designer,self employed,if I can help you out let me know? Keep up the good work! SP4...Doc
W. E. Bodenmiller
I was there with you! I am a Retired Army Officer (1991).I commanded an Engineer Construction Support Company at Nui Ba Den mountain. Had a 4/9 Scout Platoon "laggered" with me most evenings....also 3 25th Div Tank Companies, many nights. Kicked alot of ass..... and, got our asses kicked quite often. I would love to hear from you. Maybe I could dig out some pics for your site (I have beaucoup)!!!! You've done a great job on this site!!Warmest Regards
Bob Feller
Served at Cu Chi with 25th Inf. Div. 1968-69 as a combat engineer.
Herb Artola
Still looking for all former 22nd Infantry "Regulars." Also, need to update an earlier post with the latest URL for the 22nd Infantry Regiment Society web site:22nd Infantry Regiment Society
Dave Gehr
Enjoyed your page! Interesting stuff especially the history of the Walker! I also enjoyed the cruise aboard the Walker - I was a member of the 3rd Brigade of the 4th division who left Tacoma in late August 1966 and landed in Vung Tau - we worked in the delta below Saigon for a month then moved to Bear Cat then to Dau Tieng - spent a couple of nights in Cu Chi - big place! I am the Secretary of Company C 3/22nd Infantry Association - we have had several reunions to date with our last one this past summer in D.C. Had 140 some grunts plus family menbers who went to the Wall to say our hello's and goodbyes to the "92" Company C members who's names appear on the Wall!
Richard Herrel
I Was In Cu Chi 67-68 Co B 554TH ENG. BN.
Grady R. Long Jr.
I just found your page. it looks interesting. I was in viet-nam in 68-69-70. I was in a engr. group, building roads.I was in the 577th.engineer battalion construction (c-co).
ron young
im a vet and b-52 crew chief u-t 68-69.. arclite and a tour in nam 7071 at bien hoa on 0-1 bird dogs facs.. great site y'all stand tall.be well ron
W/1/12 2/26 3RD MARINE DIV. RVN 3/68-4/69.
niswander , william
looking for ayone who was in co. c 1/327 inf . 1st bde. 101st abn div from aug 1966 - may 1967
Attila Vegh
My honour for all of you!
I was member of ICCS ,after your war, at 1973-1974 in High-
Land os S Viet Nam especialy in Pleiku,Kontum,Phu Cat,Hau Bon, Nha Trang
I saw the WAR./I thing so?!/
And now I am retired /56 /
Sincerly Mr.A.Vegh.
William J Klingenberg
RSVN 4Jul66-30Jun67 --
BCo/ 2nd /5th-1st Cav --
Bon Chance!
Frank Reilly
Willy, Welcome Home!! You has a real nice 'page'. I wasassigned to the 116th Assault Hel. Co. at Cu Chi in '67.I really enjoyed the pics and history of the basecamp.Frank Reilly(doc)
Cpl. Duke Luu
Thank you for having such a wonderful webpage on the Manchus. I was also a Manchu, but during a more peaceful time. I was in C Co. 4/9 INF in Ft. Wainwright, AK. from May 1990 to Sept. 1993. I knew that the Manchus had fought in Vietnam, but it's different when you get to see the pictures of the men who were actually there. I have great respect for the sacrafice that the soldiers of the Manchus did in Vietnam, because I am also Vietnamese. I hope that I have repayed a small portion of my debt to those solders who died in Vietman by also serving in the Army and serving this great county, America.
I also assigned to A Co. 5/14 INf in the 25th Tropic Lighting Division From Nov. 1993 to June 1996.
I know this is all irrelvent to you but it's to let you know that there are Vietmanese people that are also serving in the military, some for other reasons than mine, but most I think is to pay back a debt for the sacrfice many soldiers gave during the war.
Thank You
Cpl. Duke Luu
Paul G. Matuszak
I was searching through your site, and noticed your list of manchus to
I was an 11B with C co. 3-9 from 1994-1996 and participated in Operation
Safe Haven with my fellow Manchus. Currently, I am a 96B20 (Intelligence
Analyst) with G2, Fort Riley. I am on orders for assignment with the ODCINT
of USAREUR in October. I am looking to get in contact with SGM Isrel, Jeff.
He was my 1SG during my tenure with the Manchus
Keep Up The Fire!
Paul G. Matuszak
Sr Analyst, ACofS, G2 Plans
Mike Callahan
....12/67 to 12/68. B Btry 1/77th attached to C Co 2/5th
Cavalry as FO for six months. Then the B Btry Clerk for 1/77th Arty.
Looking for Andy Straka, A Btry clerk.
Toby Chaffin
I served with the 3rd Brigade 5/60 Infantry 9th Infantry Division. We were
opcon to the 25th (April - August 1970).
After we returned from the Cambodian invasion we operated around Trung Lap
and Trang Bang and took heavy casulties from bobby traps and ambushes.
If anyone was with Charlie Company 5/60 during this time please contact me.
Ron Meade
I was with the 199th 4th bn
12th inf. from March 1970 for about 6 or 7 mo. Anybody else out there with
the 199th? My nickname was "Gook" . was there when Gen. Bond got hit on
April 1st.
Ronald R Holden
S.Sgt. Toby Novelli
I served with Co.D 2/14 Inf. ( Golden Dragons) from 9/69 through 8/70.
Started out as Squad Leader then Platoon Sergeant. Just looking to get in
touch with anyone who served with me. After so many years I'm not sure how
many real names I can recall. But I still remember "Buzzard", & "Chicken
man". Oh Yeah, I can't forget Virgil Odell from Arkansas, and Doc. Lourtes (
not sure if spelling is right).
Jim Lund I served with the 1st Bat., 27th Infantry, Company C "Wolfhounds" January 1967 thru June 1967, and I was one of the M-60 machine gunners. In July myself and about 12 other guys were transferred to the 3rd Brigade of the 4th Division at Dau Tieng for infusion purposes (they traded us with other guys having different DEROS dates so everyone would not leave at the same time). As with everything else in Nam, this was confused too. The 3rd Brigade of the 4th Division only stayed that way for a little more than a month, then they changed the colors with the 3rd Brigade of the 25th Division in Pleiku, and we then became the 3rd Brigade of the 25th Division. My unit at Dau Tieng was the 2nd Bat., 12th Infantry, Company C, and I served there from approx. July 15th thru Jan. 1968 as a Sergeant. I would like to hear from anyone who was in Nam with me.
Phillip l Foley
I was there 08-67 08-68 in C trp 1/9 cav red
plt our call sign was raider I started at bong song LZ two bits we moved
north to dong ha A marine base then to LZ evans I was in khe sahn tet 68 and
the ashau valley Phillip l Foley po box 147 beggs okla 74421
Marvin Towles
Looking for Information about my dad:
Service: Army
Full Name: Marvin Neal Towles
Rank: E-8, 1st Sgt.
Nickname: Champ
Unit: 1st Cal. 23rd Inf. Div.
Battle Most Talked About: Ia Drang Valley
If there is anyone that knew him, please get in touch with me, I would
appreciate it sencierely.
Larry Warren
I was extremely moved by your poem about the greentees I
too wore the tees in 1967-68
Bob Jensen AURORA
I served with HHB 2/77 ARTY in Dau TiengI and Cu Chi Jan. 1969 to April 1970. Just out looking for some friends from NAM who are out surfing.
Andy Carr
I was with A Co. 25th Avn. Bn. 25th Inf. Div. from march of'66 to oct. of '67. Iwould like to hear from any of the Little Bears out there.
Tracy Wheeler
19 TASS 67, TACP 1st Brigade, 9Inf
Don Toohey
Served with recon 2/12th 25th Inf 70-71. Last 25th unit
in Cu Chi. Turned the keys over to Marvin FEB 71. Good
page keep it going.
Lee Sackrider
Dale Walker
Still loking for people from the 25 th 16 engr. company C Was there from Dec. 66 till Dec. 67 ?? Was only 18 can,nt remember any name,s alot of face,s But no name,s my heart will always be with the Tropic Lightning.
Richard Koskey
Looking for anyone that served with co.A 25th avn. bn.(THE LITTLE BEARS) in Chu Ci as a gunner or helicopter crewchief from 8/1/69 to 9/1/70 hope you all made it back o.k.
Leander West Jr.
Jack Barkdull
Jerry Lynch
I'm an Air Force Viet Nam vet (in country '71-'72) who was
looking for the list of names on "the wall" in Wash. D.C.
I was trying to look up info on a fallen hero friend of
mine. I once found a site who listed the names, branch of
service, date of death, rank, cause of death, etc. but I
deleted the bookmark by accident.
Harold Graybeal
greatly enjoyed pics lost mine in a fire served in dong ha dmz 67&68 new years tet in danang generater mech for the army first log command rode first supply convoy to camp carol during khe sahn volintery draft hated school and wanted off the farm got home safe phycically.
Terry L. Vaughn
Was there... with D Troop 3/4 Cav.. Centaurs.. Crew Chief & Door gunner on a slick. After looking at youre pictures I think Ill have to dig mine out.
Great Page.. Keep up the good work.
Art Johnson
I served with A Company 2/35th Inf. 25th Inf. Division. I was stationed in the central highlands just out side of Pleiku. I was just a grunt so I don't have any idea how the cities looked then or today. I did get into Pleiku once or twice but those experiences are X rated.
Frank Free
I was in the navy in a River Division up river from Ben Lucat Tra Cu. I got to Chu Chi once for three weeks when I was wounded. But got to Ben Luc about two times a month. We would go there for repairs on our boats. Hey Take care
John A. Burris jr
nam vet '67 and '70 US Army Civil affairs
Steve Cannon
Enjoyed your photographs,there in 67&68 also went back in Jan.97.Great trip 2nd time around though a lot of emotion.
Sgt. Mike Van Andre USAF (quit)
NIce site! Keep up the good work. The more connected we get, the better off we'll all be.I was a flying crew chief on C-47s. My outfit was...
Ron Zalewski
C-Troop,1St Sqdn 1St Cav Regt Americal 68-69 ,,,,Hawk Hill
Joe Arcoleo
I was stationed at Schofield from 1972-1975. I missed Vietnam by a few years. I was with the 1bde 14th Inf, Golden Dragons, then I went to 1bde 19th Inf.
Edward S. Episcopo
I enjoyed your photos, since I was a Manchu myself in 67/68. I was probably in many of those areas, the HoBo, Tay Ninh, Boi Loi
Americo Cantarella
Website: AmeriBanque Limited, Inc.
USAF 1960 - 1969 - Loring - SAC
Dan Locke
Hi I was with A company 2/27 Wolfhounds
I was also the first tunnel rat for the division. I was the first tunnel rat to go into the tunnels of Cu Chi but never got the credit for it. But i did get a Bronze Star "V" for another tunnel
Looked at your pictures and I am very impressed. I also was
in a the Nam as a Navy Corpsman with 3-5 Marines and NMCB-62.
I found the countryside to be very beautiful when you could
find an area not scarred by the war.
David M,Taylor Maj,USAF,NC Retired
Flight Nurse
Clyde Gaidosh
Leon Baldwin
Leon Baldwin's 9th Infantry Division Page
Very nice page. I loved the graphics and content.
Keep up the good work. Leon
PLEASE SEND HIM AN E-MAIL AT vietvet@connecti.com
Kellan Kyllo
I served with HMM-262, 1st Marine Wing as a crewchief and machine gunner on a CH-46 helicopter and was stationed in South Vietnam at Ky Ha, Marble Mountain, aboard the USS Tripoli, and at Quang Tri when my squadron supported the 26th Marines during the seige of Khe Sanh. Would like to hear from anyone I served with.
Richard Esgana
was with Company A, 1st/35th Infantry, 3rd Bde, 25th Division.
Left Hawaii in late Novemeber, 1965. Served at Pleiku all through
1966. The 3rd Bde was later attached to the 4th Division sometimes
in late 1967
Tim Daley
Spent time there. Saw it, smelled it, experienced it.
Do you have any information on 4/23 mechanized infantry 1969
My name is Roy Patterson, I served with the 14th Armored Cavalry (B Troop, 1st Sqdn
on the East German frontier(Fulda Gap). Several of my close friends did
their tour in Viet Nam with the 25th, in fact they all served on an M88VTR
then they came over together to finish out their Army tour.
While I never spent time in Cu Chi I feel like I know it from all the times
my friends and I talked about it!
Phil foley
I was a crewchief on a c modle gunship in c trp 1/9 cav 1st Cav Div in 67/68 and 175ahc 71/72 was looking for old friends
Rick Smith(Smity) "Georgia peanut butter"
Quan Loi 3/69-70 1st Cav 1/8 Recon "Blue Panthers", am trying to find a Lt. Keck Silver Star recipient, was from Arkansas, ahve been trying to find him for many years. Hang in there you grungy grunts!
Billy J. Stout
Just surfing and came upon your webpage; I was part
of Operation Game Warden; Taskforce 116; served on
LST-846, Jennings County; 69-70. We were a PBR
support tender; first support vessel in when push into
Cambodia occurred.
Walt McDonald
I served with A co 1st Bn 14th Inf. April 65 to Dec 66, 3rd Brigade Task Force Pleiku. Drop me a line!!
Frank Falcone
Greetings. Was in Cu Chi for the Tet Offensive of '68. ETS'd on Christmas Eve. Am now 100% service connected for PTSD. Life sure has been a strange trip. - Frank
Lawrence E. (Crash) Carter
Helicopter pilot with A Company (Little Bears), 25th avaiation Bn. Out of Cu Chi, Tay Ninh, and Dau Tieng.
Did tour in 1970.
Dale E. Coughenour, USMC (Ret.)
I'm Totally Disabled from Vietnam DMZ (SLF 66/67)
Rick Brennan
I was in Cu Chi in 68-69 with the 2nd 27th Wolfhounds
Ken Werbacher
As a "base camp warrior"(25thMP), I was very interested in a book I came across, THE TUNNELS OF CUCHI. So thats were they kept coming from!
John l. Meither
I was one of the replacements for the decimated C company 4th bn 9th inf. div in june of 1968.
Steve Schriener
I served with the Navys Gamewardens near Vinh Long
and My Tho in 1969.
Larry Warren
I was extremely moved by your poem about the greentees I
too wore the tees in 1967-68
Bob Jensen AURORA
I served with HHB 2/77 ARTY in Dau TiengI and Cu Chi Jan. 1969 to April 1970. Just out looking for some friends from NAM who are out surfing.
Andy Carr
I was with A Co. 25th Avn. Bn. 25th Inf. Div. from march of'66 to oct. of '67. Iwould like to hear from any of the Little Bears out there.
Tracy Wheeler
19 TASS 67, TACP 1st Brigade, 9Inf
Don Toohey
Served with recon 2/12th 25th Inf 70-71. Last 25th unit
in Cu Chi. Turned the keys over to Marvin FEB 71. Good
page keep it going.
Lee Sackrider
Dale Walker
Still loking for people from the 25 th 16 engr. company C Was there from Dec. 66 till Dec. 67 ?? Was only 18 can,nt remember any name,s alot of face,s But no name,s my heart will always be with the Tropic Lightning.
Richard Koskey
Looking for anyone that served with co.A 25th avn. bn.(THE LITTLE BEARS) in Chu Ci as a gunner or helicopter crewchief from 8/1/69 to 9/1/70 hope you all made it back o.k.
Leander West Jr.
Jack Barkdull
Jerry Lynch
I'm an Air Force Viet Nam vet (in country '71-'72) who was
looking for the list of names on "the wall" in Wash. D.C.
I was trying to look up info on a fallen hero friend of
mine. I once found a site who listed the names, branch of
service, date of death, rank, cause of death, etc. but I
deleted the bookmark by accident.
Harold Graybeal
greatly enjoyed pics lost mine in a fire served in dong ha dmz 67&68 new years tet in danang generater mech for the army first log command rode first supply convoy to camp carol during khe sahn volintery draft hated school and wanted off the farm got home safe phycically.
Terry L. Vaughn
Was there... with D Troop 3/4 Cav.. Centaurs.. Crew Chief & Door gunner on a slick. After looking at youre pictures I think Ill have to dig mine out.
Great Page.. Keep up the good work.
Art Johnson
I served with A Company 2/35th Inf. 25th Inf. Division. I was stationed in the central highlands just out side of Pleiku. I was just a grunt so I don't have any idea how the cities looked then or today. I did get into Pleiku once or twice but those experiences are X rated.
Sp5 James R.Reynolds
Macv headquarters Iv.Corps,Cantho,Vn-tm 96 looking for headquarters personnel jan71 to Aug.72
Ken Troxell
Looking for anyone who served with me. 2nd/47 Regiment 9th Infantry HHC Recon From Aug 1969 to Aug 1970
I was with malcolm true when he was killed i know he had a wife and child and was from cocoa beach florida would love to talk to his kin
John E Seymour
I served with Company B 4/9 January thru April
of 1968 (1st Platoon). I'm looking for anyone I
might have served with. thanks
David Buller
from Louisiana served in the 25th infantry stationed in vietnam from sep '67 to nov. '68. I would
appreciate anyone who remembers him contacting me.
I was a Medic W/the 159th Med.
Det.(HA)Dustoff out of Cu Chi,you guys always
Gave Charlie Hell.So in gratitude for your
exceptional service always above and beyond the
Call of Duty, All the pilots and crews of the
159th say WELCOME HOME MANCHUS!I also am looking
for other Medics, Pilots,and crewchiefs and Rto's
in DustOff Operations for a Reunion:SAN ANTONIO 99
jimmy nickname fish
Emmmitt Furner Jr.
My father, Emmitt Furner, was assigned to the 1/8th Artillery, 25th ID in Cu Chi in 1968. He was a communications sergeant. He lost
his right leg when the 2 1/2 ton truck he was driving hit a land mine near "Hobo Woods." If you have any information on "Hobo Woods," please
contact me at (910) 826-4516. Thank you.
alan fleming
I was in Phu Loi in 66-67. I am just getting into looking at "The Wall" and other places. Had a hard time
looking at any of it for a long time. I know I am not alone in this sentiment.
L. Dee Stevenson
Your site brought back many memories of Cu Chi. I was with the 25th from Mar 1967 to Mar 68. It reminded me of many things that I
had put in the back of my memory and the many special friends that I made and others whose names have slipped from my memory. Thank you for
the effort of doing this page. "Steve"
MAY 23,1968.
Jerry D.Mckinney
thanks for a great job, the pictures of nui bi den, cu chi and the area brought back a lot of memories. i was with d co, 2nd bn 27th inf
1967-1968. welcome home !
Curtis Grady
I was with Ist MAW; Vmgr-152 at Danang, Chulia,Qurangi Tri. Glad to hear someone went back ,when there is peace.
Allan T Nelson
I was with the 68th assault helicopter company from Oct 65 thru Nov 66. I am looking for other guys from the outfit. I was a supply
clerk and partime gunner. I would really like to meet some of the guys and just get together one more time for the guys we lost over there
"A" CO 2ND PLT 1/5 MECH 25TH INF. DIV. "MEDIC" {CMB} '70 - '71
R.P. (Pete) Fairchild
Thanks for creating this page! Your photos and stories refreshed many enduring memories. I was the artillery forward observer in "A"
Co, 4/9 Infantry from Sept. '67 until mid-Feb. '68, when I was reassigned to the 3/4 Cav. as a platoon leader. Best wishes to you and all our fellow
Vietnam vets. - Pete
Steve Wills
Served with both 25th DIVARTY aviation " Jesus Children" as an OH6A "Loach" crewchief and with the 25th Aviation "Little Bears"as
a doorgunner on a UH1. Was shot down in a Loach near the "Straight Edge Woods". Served from 1/70 to 11/70. Any Divarty "Jesus Children"
crewchiefs out there please write. GOD BLESS the 25th!
Steve Cannon
Enjoyed your photographs,there in 67&68 also went back in Jan.97.Great trip 2nd time around though a lot of emotion.
Sgt. Mike Van Andre USAF (quit)
NIce site! Keep up the good work. The more connected we get, the better off we'll all be.I was a flying crew chief on C-47s. My outfit was...
Ron Zalewski
C-Troop,1St Sqdn 1St Cav Regt Americal 68-69 ,,,,Hawk Hill
Joe Arcoleo
I was stationed at Schofield from 1972-1975. I missed Vietnam by a few years. I was with the 1bde 14th Inf, Golden Dragons, then I went to 1bde 19th Inf.
Edward S. Episcopo
I enjoyed your photos, since I was a Manchu myself in 67/68. I was probably in many of those areas, the HoBo, Tay Ninh, Boi Loi
Americo Cantarella
Website: AmeriBanque Limited, Inc.
USAF 1960 - 1969 - Loring - SAC
More Coming